Saturday, April 28, 2007

Our Saga Returns - Darker and more Flavorful

With the second Death Star destroyed, the universe celebrated its freedom - for about 48 hours. Then rumors of an Imperial fleet gathering around a new leader started circulating. Forty eight hours after that, the fleet arrived in orbit around Coruscant. The token Rebel fleet that had managed to make it to the center of government was wiped out in a short, one-sided battle.

With uncanny accuracy, Rebel strongholds, even those thought secret and known to only a select few were destroyed by bombardment or raid....

But it was Coruscant that suffered the most. Areas of the planet-wide city were destroyed indiscriminately, as if whoever was directing the destruction was conflicted about which side deserved obliteration more, Imperial or Rebel. Or perhaps, it was just hate, pure hate without a direction just a purpose.